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Happy birthday

3 participants

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Happy birthday Empty Happy birthday

Message par Goutye Ven 5 Sep - 8:36

:-p Eh oui aujourd'hui c'est un grand jour! :gne
L'anniversaire d'un de nos admin du FUTUR!!! Happy birthday 11

:fete: :fete: Eh oui kouki le cookies fete aujourd'hui ces 14ans!!! :fete: :fete:

La video ici

Ici le telechargement de C is for cookie

Happy birthday 7 Mais pour lui nous allons chanté sa chanson!

Paroles:Now what starts with the letter "C"?

"Cookie" starts with "C"!

Let's think of other things

that starts with "C"!

Uh. . .Uh. . . Who cares about other things?!

"C" is for

Cookie that's good enough for me,

"C" is for cookie that's good neough for me,

"C" is for

cookie that's good enough for me,

Oh! cookie, cookie, cookie starts with "C" :rire2:

:gateau: :happybirthday:

Et donc se soir : 18h45 : Kick party de 15minute si ya du monde!
Et apres 19h00 : Apero fiesta!
Bonne anniv kouki! Happy birthday 11

A qui le prochain Happy birthday 11

Nombre de messages : 796
Age : 30
Pseudo AC3DS : Goutye
Code-ami 3DS : 2535-3609 - 7751
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2007

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Happy birthday Empty Re: Happy birthday

Message par Fox Ven 5 Sep - 13:33


Nombre de messages : 2132
Age : 30
Pseudo AC3DS : Fox
Ville AC3DS : Hyrule
Code-ami 3DS : 0774-4374-6104 (Mis à jour 3DS)
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2006

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Happy birthday Empty Re: Happy birthday

Message par Goutye Ven 5 Sep - 17:11

:ange:Mais vas t'il se connecté? :ange:

Nombre de messages : 796
Age : 30
Pseudo AC3DS : Goutye
Code-ami 3DS : 2535-3609 - 7751
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2007

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Happy birthday Empty Re: Happy birthday

Message par Ben-J Ven 5 Sep - 20:30

Très drôle ^^

"C" is for cookie : That's a big deal ! When you're three, C'mon grow up will you leave all your live with the letters of the alphabet !

Happy birthday 9 that was my big sentence :xd:Happy birthday 10

:happybirthday: Kouki :happybirthday:

Nombre de messages : 942
Age : 29
Pseudo AC3DS : Rarity / Benji / Amy
Ville AC3DS : Enthalpy
Code-ami 3DS : 4983-4912-3003
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2007

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Happy birthday Empty Re: Happy birthday

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